
[bag] /bæg/
a container or receptacle of leather, plastic, cloth, paper, etc., capable of being closed at the mouth; pouch.
something resembling or suggesting such a receptacle.
a suitcase or other portable container for carrying articles, as in traveling.
a purse or moneybag.
the amount or quantity a bag can hold.
any of various measures of capacity.
a sac, as in an animal body.
an udder.
Slang. a small glassine or cellophane envelope containing a narcotic drug or a mixture of narcotics.
something hanging in a loose, pouchlike manner, as skin or cloth; a baggy part:
He had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep.
Baseball. base1 (def 8b).
Hunting. the amount of game taken, especially by one hunter in one hunting trip or over a specified period.
  1. a person's avocation, hobby, major interest, or obsession:
    Jazz isn't my bag.
  2. a person's mood or frame of mind:
    The boss is in a mean bag today.
  3. an environment, condition, or situation.
  1. Informal. plenty; much; many (usually followed by of):
    bags of time; bags of money.
  2. Slang. trousers.
verb (used without object), bagged, bagging.
to swell or bulge:
A stiff breeze made the sails bag out.
to hang loosely like an empty bag:
His socks bagged at the ankles.
to pack groceries or other items into a bag.
verb (used with object), bagged, bagging.
to cause to swell or bulge; distend:
The wind bagged the curtain.
to put into a bag.
Informal. to kill or catch, as in hunting:
I bagged my first deer when I was a teenager.
Theater, clew (def 9a).
bags! British Slang. (used to lay first claim to something):
Bags it! Bags, I go first!
Slang. to quit, abandon, or skip:
I bagged my math class today. We'd better bag the deal. I was working too hard so I decided to bag it.
bag and baggage,
  1. with all one's personal property:
    When they went to collect the rent, they found he had left, bag and baggage.
  2. completely, totally:
    The equipment had disappeared, bag and baggage, without even the slightest trace.
bag of bones, an emaciated person or animal.
bag of tricks, a supply of expedient resources; stratagems:
Maybe they will finally be honest with us, once they've run through their bag of tricks.
hold the bag, Informal. to be forced to bear the entire blame, responsibility, or loss that was to have been shared:
His accomplices flew to South America on news of the theft and left him holding the bag.
in the bag, Informal. virtually certain; assured; definite:
Her promotion is in the bag. The sale of the house is in the bag.
old bag, Slang. an unattractive, often slatternly woman:
a gossipy old bag.
1200-50; 1920-25 for def 28; Middle English bagge < Old Norse baggi pack, bundle
Related forms
baglike, adjective
unbagged, adjective
Can be confused
Regional variation note
1. Although bag and sack are both used everywhere throughout the U.S., the more commonly used word in the North Midland U.S. is bag and in the South Midland is sack.
British Dictionary definitions for bag and baggage


a flexible container with an opening at one end
Also called bagful. the contents of or amount contained in such a container
any of various measures of quantity, such as a bag containing 1 hundredweight of coal
a piece of portable luggage
short for handbag
anything that hangs loosely, sags, or is shaped like a bag, such as a loose fold of skin under the eyes or the bulging part of a sail
any pouch or sac forming part of the body of an animal, esp the udder of a cow
(hunting) the quantity of quarry taken in a single hunting trip or by a single hunter
(derogatory, slang) an ugly or bad-tempered woman (often in the phrase old bag)
(slang) a measure of marijuana, heroin, etc, in folded paper
(slang) a person's particular taste, field of skill, interest, activity, etc: blues is his bag
(informal) bag and baggage
  1. with all one's belongings
  2. entirely
a bag of bones, a lean creature
(slang) in the bag, almost assured of succeeding or being obtained
(informal) the bag of tricks, the whole bag of tricks, every device; everything
verb bags, bagging, bagged
(transitive) to put into a bag
to bulge or cause to bulge; swell
(transitive) to capture or kill, as in hunting
(transitive) to catch, seize, or steal
(intransitive) to hang loosely; sag
(transitive) to achieve or accomplish: she bagged seven birdies
(transitive) (Brit, informal) to reserve or secure the right to do or to have something: he bagged the best chair
(transitive) (Austral, slang) to criticize; disparage
See also bags
Word Origin
C13: probably from Old Norse baggi; related to Old French bague bundle, pack, Medieval Latin baga chest, sack, Flemish bagge
Word Origin and History for bag and baggage



c.1200, bagge, from Old Norse baggi or a similar Scandinavian source; not found in other Germanic languages, perhaps ultimately of Celtic origin. Disparaging slang for "woman" dates from 1924 (though various specialized senses of this are much older). Meaning "person's area of interest or expertise" is 1964, from Black English slang, from jazz sense of "category," probably via notion of putting something in a bag.

To be left holding the bag (and presumably nothing else), "cheated, swindled" is attested by 1793. Many figurative senses are from the notion of the game bag (late 15c.) into which the product of the hunt was placed; e.g. the verb meaning "to kill game" (1814) and its colloquial extension to "catch, seize, steal" (1818). To let the cat out of the bag "reveal the secret" is from 1760.


mid-15c., "to swell out like a bag;" also "to put money in a bag," from bag (n.). Earliest verbal sense was "to be pregnant" (c.1400). Of clothes, "to hang loosely," 1824. For sense "catch, seize, steal," see bag (n.). Related: Bagged; bagging.

bag and baggage in Medicine

bag (bāg)

  1. An anatomical sac or pouch, such as the udder of a cow.

  2. A container of flexible material, such as paper, plastic, or leather, that is used for carrying or storing items.

Slang definitions & phrases for bag and baggage

bag and baggage

adverb phrase

Entirely; leaving nothing; with all one's possessions: We threw her out bag and baggage/ It all went up in smoke, bag and baggage (1600+ British military)


  1. The scrotum (1920s+)
  2. A condom; rubber, scumbag (1950s+)
  3. The cushionlike marker that serves as a base (mid-1800s+ Baseball)
  4. A portion of narcotics, often wrapped in a paper or glassine envelope: They found three nickel bags of marijuana on him (1960s+ Narcotics)
  5. A woman's breast • Bag has long meant an animal's udder (mid-1600s+)
  6. An unattractive girl or woman; ugly woman (1920s+)
  7. That which one prefers or is doing currently; kick, thing •Said to be fr bag of tricks (1950s+ Jazz musicians)
  8. One's preference; something suited to one's preferences or talents: Archaeology is her bag, man
  9. n environment; milieu; scene: That fox comes out of a very intellectual bag (1950s+ Jazz musicians)
  1. To get or capture: to bag a gold medal/ They bagged the mugger in the next block (1814+)
  2. To arrest; bust, collar: You don't have to bag nuns (1800s+)
  3. To discharge; can, fire, sack: Just say the author was willing to bag an old friend (mid-1800s+)
  4. To suppress; get rid of; discard: Let's bag the whole notion, okay? (1960s+)
  5. (also bag it) To avoid; not attend; skip: We can bag gym class/ Like bag this movie, for sure (1892+ Students)
  6. (also bag it) To abandon; cease; give up: I had to bag it. I had to give up all that stuff (1980s+ Students)
  7. To include; categorize; group with: We're always bagged in England with bands like Iron Maiden (1960s+)
  8. To break into for a clandestine investigation; do a black-bag job on: we picked up conversations by traveling execs, then ''bagged'' their hotel rooms to rummage through attache´ cases (1990s+)
  9. BAG ON someone (1990s+)
  10. To inhale fumes of an intoxicating substance: the dangers of inhaling, sniffing, and ''bagging'' such chemicals (1960s+ Narcotics)
Related Terms

brown-bag, dime bag, ditty bag, doggy bag, douche bag, fag bag, fleabag, grab-bag, hair bag, half in the bag, have a bag on, in the bag, jiffy bag, let the cat out of the bag, nickel bag, old bag, rum bag, sandbag, sleazebag, slimebag, stash bag, tie a bag on, windbag

Related Abbreviations for bag and baggage


busting a gut [laughing]


Bachelor of Agriculture
bag and baggage in the Bible

(1.) A pocket of a cone-like shape in which Naaman bound two pieces of silver for Gehazi (2 Kings 5:23). The same Hebrew word occurs elsewhere only in Isa. 3:22, where it is rendered "crisping-pins," but denotes the reticules (or as R.V., "satchels") carried by Hebrew women. (2.) Another word (kees) so rendered means a bag for carrying weights (Deut. 25:13; Prov. 16:11; Micah 6:11). It also denotes a purse (Prov. 1:14) and a cup (23:31). (3.) Another word rendered "bag" in 1 Sam. 17:40 is rendered "sack" in Gen. 42:25; and in 1 Sam. 9:7; 21:5 "vessel," or wallet for carrying food. (4.) The word rendered in the Authorized Version "bags," in which the priests bound up the money contributed for the restoration of the temple (2 Kings 12:10), is also rendered "bundle" (Gen. 42:35; 1 Sam. 25:29). It denotes bags used by travellers for carrying money during a journey (Prov. 7:20; Hag. 1:6). (5.) The "bag" of Judas was a small box (John 12:6; 13:29).

Idioms and Phrases with bag and baggage

bag and baggage

All of one's belongings, especially with reference to departing with them; completely, totally. For example, The day he quit his job, John walked out, bag and baggage. Originating in the 1400s, this phrase at first meant an army's property, and to march off bag and baggage meant that the departing army was not leaving anything behind for the enemy's use. By the late 1500s, it had been transferred to other belongings.